Study Groups
“To study scriptures only from an intellectual standpoint keeps the truth locked up in the mind, unassimilated and undigested. One should study the scriptures with Self-realization, which produces the spiritualized brain and the intuitive heart by which you may directly absorb divine truths. The best way to study the scriptures is to feel their truth as an actual experience in the body, in the mind, and in the soul.”
– Paramahansa Yogananda
About the Lesson Study Groups
Study Group sessions begin and end with a short meditation. During the period of study, a person reads a paragraph aloud, slowly and clearly. After each paragraph is read, there is a period of silent contemplation. This allows all to feel the spirit behind the scripture as Paramahansaji describes in the quotation above. Then the leader will indicate what to read next (reading aloud is optional).
Each person has the opportunity to absorb the teachings in an atmosphere of concentration and devotion, drawing from the reading that which is most meaningful to oneself. Questions/answers about the meaning of certain passages may be pursued in the SRF publications, submitted as questions for the Thursday evening Satsanga Service, discussed with the minister, or may be clarified by writing to the Mother Center.

Lesson Study in our Outdoor Gardens
New participants are welcome!
You must bring your personal copy of the Lesson being studied for admittance to the study group.
Join an online lesson study each Monday: